Sunday, July 6, 2008

To herd or not to herd

Boris had made such remarkable progress during the second day of the herding clinic that I asked the instructor to email me her rates and availability for consideration of further training. That email came this morning.

She's available during the evening and on the weekend, and her rates are reasonable. So why am I not jumping on this? Because it'll be work.

Truth be known, it'll be more work for me. This is because Boris lives in the moment. He's not the one shuffling his schedule to get to class, or worried that he didn't do enough "homework" in time for the next session. He doesn't have to drive the car to get him there, or make sure we have enough gas. He isn't embarrassed because of bad behavior- past or present. He just hops in the car, and takes it minute by minute - he's very zen that way.

The email did say that Boris isn't too far from working the sheep, and this is why I'm leaning more toward taking the lessons. From what I can tell, Boris LOVES feeling useful, and I want that feeling of achieving teamwork. . . so, it's off to Outback Farm for at least a couple of lessons.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I can totally relate to this. I almost didn't sign nathan up for baseball because I just didn't want to take him to all the practices and games. It was just one more thing that I had to do, and I was not happy about it. I finally got over it and we signed him up. For the most part it was a good season, and I am glad that we did it. Now it is time for soccer....never ends I tell ya.