Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm a blogger!

This is kind of sexy. . .I'm now a blogger! I know, most of the world has jumped on this bandwagon, but being technically challenged, I thought that having a blog meant that I'd have to learn some complicated web language to design a very basic page with courier type font. I had no idea that canned blog pages already existed, are easy to set up, and FREE! The page is still basic, but I intend to learn how to gussie it up.

I also couldn't think of a subject to blog on. Should I write about children in underdeveloped countries? Naw, I do that all day long. Write about relationships or being a woman? Bor - ing. Cooking? Books? Homeownership? Nope, nope, nope. Finally, I remembered a subject I feel some passion about - my German Shepherd Dog, Boris.

Boris is by far the most intelligent, sweetest, playful, loves to work with sheep (Yes, sheep. We're novice sheep herders!) and loves just relaxing with Kola and me. He's not without quirks, though. For instance, he hates dogs that pass our home and lives for looking out our bay window to bark at them. He also steals used paper napkins to chew on. Go figure.

So, this blog is about Boris. Or, really, my perception of Boris. I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures and seeing a picture or two!

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