Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Consequences to special occasion foods

Kola, Boris and I took a road trip this past weekend to State College, PA to visit a relative of Kola's. We considered sending Boris to the "spa" for the weekend, but we discovered Motel 6 is cheap and dogs can stay for free. So why not bring him?

The visit was great, and Kola got to catch up with a relative he hadn't seen for a while. Since this was an occasion, of course there was food. Everyone knows are no calories in "occasion" food, so we indulged in bar-be-que, onion rings, potato salad, french fries, donuts, sodas. It was a free for all, even for Boris. We don't usually feed him from our plates at home, but it was "an occasion" and wanted him to enjoy it as well.

But we all paid for it. Kola and I with a tightening of our belts; Boris with diarrhea.

On Sunday evening when we returned, he seemed fine. Tired, but fine. Even his Monday morning walk was pretty uneventful. However, it takes around 16 hours for a dog to process his food, so it was during Monday evening's walk that things got interesting.

When I got home from work, he greeted me with more than the usual enthusiasm. Wagged his tail, rubbed up against me, so happy you're home. . .so happy you're home. . .so happy you're home. I thought he just missed me. Little did I know. . .

I took my time changing into my yoga pants and t-shirt (with him dancing around me the entire time) then leashed him up an out we went. Not more than half way down the block, the explosion happened. Began normal, then got messy. Being unaware of Boris' delicate stomach, I had nothing but a grocery bag to clean this up with. I looked around for something to scrape this mess up with and found a piece of cardboard from a case of Diet Pepsi. So, I began scraping the goo into the bag with Boris wrapping himself around my legs and barking at everyone and thing passing by because, I assume, he was embarrassed. Not a pretty sight.

Lessons learned: Dogs aren't immune to the richness of occasion foods; people aren't either, we just cope with it better.


Kristi said...

Oh. My. Word. This is precisely why I don't own a dog, or ever will! I do have two boys though, and you have to do gross things for them too. I got a good chuckle out of this. And Congratulations! You are all grown up now...you blogger you! I love the bloggin thing. You'll have to swing by mine when you get a chance and see what we've been up to. It's fun and easy way to keep in contact with people. Have a great day. www.kunz-4.blogspot.com

Holly said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, Rebecca! I can't wait to read about your adventures with Boris.

Othello and I had a lot of fun with the two of you last night! It's great having you as next door neighbors.

gsp&me said...

Poor Boris! At least he made it to the street for you! BTW, German Shepherds have very tender tummies, unlike GSPs I've known who've helped kids on Easter Egg hunts and the next day pooped multicolored eggshells. Looking forward to reading more, my dear.